The Cathedral Parish welcomes your child as the newest member of our community and celebrates with you this precious gift of life from God. We seek to support you in your role as the primary teacher(s) of your child’s faith and to uphold our role as a community of believers that demonstrates our faith in action. Together we hope to provide your child with a welcoming embrace as well as a life of faith and tradition in our Catholic Church.
At Baptism, in the presence of the community, you and your child’s godparents will profess for your child the faith of the Church. Your profession of faith commits your child to living and practicing the Catholic way of life. It is the beginning of a life-long journey for your child’s religious formation within the Catholic Tradition. In later years your child will be invited to make this same profession of faith for him or herself at the celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation.
We appreciate the opportunity to meet with you and assist you in the preparation process.
At baptism, the presider prays over the water:
Father, look now with love upon your Church, and unseal for her the fountain of baptism. By the power of the Holy Spirit give to this water the grace of your Son, so that in the sacrament of baptism all those whom you have created in your likeness may be cleansed from sin and rise to a new birth of innocence by water and the Holy Spirit. (Christian Initiation of Adults, #222A)
Freed from Sin
Baptism frees us from the bondage of original and actual sin. Water is poured in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Today, the sacrament of baptism is often performed on infants, shortly after birth. Adult baptisms take place at the Easter Vigil through the restored Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults. Adults or children who have been baptized in a valid Christian church are not baptized again in the Catholic church. As we say in the Nicene Creed, “I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins…”
The Catechism
"The fruit of Baptism, or baptismal grace, is a rich reality that includes forgiveness of original sin and all personal sins, birth into the new life by which man becomes an adoptive son of the Father, a member of Christ and a temple of the Holy Spirit. By this very fact the person baptized is incorporated into the Church, the Body of Christ, and made a sharer in the priesthood of Christ" (CCC 1279).
Baptismal Symbols
- Water
– The waters of baptism recall Jesus’ own baptism by John the Baptist in the river Jordan. Water is a symbol of cleansing and renewal as we begin a new life in Christ. We are washed clean of sin.
- Oil
– At baptism we are anointed into the life of Christ as “priest, prophet and king.” A cross is traced on the candidate’s forehead as a reminder that we are inheritors of the Kingdom of God.
- Light
– The baptismal candle is lit from the Paschal or Easter candle that stands in the church as a sign of Christ’s light in the world. At baptism, we receive the light of Christ and are called forth to share this light with the world.
- White garment
– The white garment that is placed upon us at baptism is a symbol of Christ’s victory over death and his glorious resurrection. Likewise, the white garment or pall that is placed over the coffin at the time of death recalls our baptismal promises and reminds us that we are destined for eternal life.
While in ordinary circumstances, sacraments in the Catholic Church are administered validly by a member of the ordained clergy, in an emergency situation, the sacrament of baptism can be administered by anyone.
In case of necessity, any person can baptize provided that he have the intention of doing that which the Church does and provided that he pour water on the candidates head while saying: “I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit" (CCC 1284).
The Process of the Sacrament of Baptism
1. Parish Participation: Parents should be active members of The Cathedral Parish.
Register here
2. Baptismal Registration Form: Parents must complete a Baptism form, which can be obtained in the parish office or
download here.
3. Selecting Godparents:
Godparents play a very important role in your child's spiritual life. They should serve as role models of the faith.
The child should be able to look to their godparent as an example of how the church teaches us to live our Catholic faith. They should support not only the child but you, the parents as well. Additionally, in their role as godparent, they represent the larger Church community. Therefore, being a godparent is not only an honor; it is a tremendous responsibility. Therefore, the godparents should be carefully chosen. In recognizing the importance of the godparent and their duties, the Church has provided guidelines to help parents choose the best possible godparents for their children. The Cathedral Parish adheres to Canon Law in all aspects of Baptism.
Requirements for Godparents:
- Must be
over 16 years of age.
- Must have received all Sacraments of initiation (Baptism, First Communion, and Confirmation).
- If married, be married according to the laws of the Catholic Church.
- If unmarried, cannot be cohabitating with a significant other.
- Must attend Sunday Mass
4. Sponsor Certificates:
All Catholic godparents (sponsors) must obtain a sponsorship certificate from their own parish stating that they are members in good standing and are eligible to act as a Catholic Sponsors. These certificates should be submitted to The Cathedral Parish Office as soon as possible after the initial Baptism registration.
Those requesting a Sponsor Certificate for Baptism, or Confirmation from The Cathedral Parish must be active parishioners, attending Mass every Sunday at either St. Patrick or St. Augustine, and supporting the church financially or by volunteering time or talent. Furthermore, all sponsors must be over 16 years of age, have received all Sacraments of initiation, and, if married, be married according to the laws of the Catholic Church. Everyone must call the office to make an appointment to meet with a priest to determine suitability. (See Catechism of the Catholic Church 2042;
Code of Canon Law 874.
5. Baptism Preparation Classes:
All parents are required to attend the Baptism Preparation Classes. Speak with the priest to schedule your classes. Parents are also required to attend Sunday Mass weekly.
6. Photographs and video during the ceremony:
As our church is a House of God to be respected and cherished, please be sure to refrain from entering the sanctuary and be sure to follow the instructions of the celebrant to ensure that you will be getting the best pictures while not interfering with the sacred ceremony.
7. Clothing and Candle:
A white Christening gown is customary but not required. While the parish will provide the baptismal bib and candle, you are also welcomed to provide your own bib and candle as well.
Download Baptismal Registration Form