Dr. William Atwood
Diocesan Director of Music Ministry, Diocese of Bridgeport
Director of Music, The Cathedral Parish
Email: William.Atwood@diobpt.org
Office Phone: (203) 368-6777 X 22
Music is an especially important part of the Funeral Liturgy. There are many beautiful hymns which come to us from all the centuries of the Church’s life of prayer and worship. These are available to be played and sung at the Funeral Liturgy. Please see the list below of available options. By its very nature, the Church’s Liturgy is sacred. It is a time set apart, in a sacred place, specifically for the worship of God. Thus, it is possible only for sacred music to be used during the Funeral Liturgy. Any non-sacred, or “secular” music which may hold a particular significance to the family of the deceased would be more appropriate to be played either at the wake, or at the reception following the Funeral Liturgy. The Director of Music for the Cathedral Parish will be happy to guide you in the planning of a prayerful, tasteful, and reverent Liturgy. Should a family wish to bring in non-parish liturgical musicians and cantors, a “bench fee” to the Director of Music is required. All music and any visiting musicians must be approved by the Director of Music. Should you have another request which does not appear on this list, please feel free to discuss it with the Director of Music, who must approve all music choices:
Processional and/or Recessional Hymns
(Select 2: One coming in and one going out of the Church)
Offertory Hymns
Communion Hymns
Post-Communion Meditation (if desired)
Ave Maria Recommended
O Sanctissima (in honor of the Blessed Mother) Recommended
Prayer of St. Francis
Precious Lord, Take My Hand
Requiem Mass Chants (available upon request)